Strategic planning is a process that helps organizations take a proactive approach for creating positive change. With a good strategic plan, organizations can better anticipate customer needs and target their human and financial resources in beneficial ways.
Each strategic planning effort is custom-designed to meet the needs of a specific organization. We focus on designing and implementing planning processes that use your time efficiently, build understanding and buy-in, and produce a living plan that is understandable and truly strategic.
Depending on your needs, the strategic planning process may include:
- Development of a mission statement
- Creation of an organizational vision to guide strategy development
- Articulation of organizational values
- Identification of critical customers and stakeholders, as well as their future needs
- Analysis of current organizational strengths and areas for improvement
- Identification of key opportunities for future success
- Development of compelling action strategies
- Identification of outcome measures to chart progress
- Preparation of a change management plan to guide strategy implementation

“Throughout the process the team displayed professionalism and patience. Their ability to keep the group on track and driving forward towards a common goal is impressive, and they certainly demonstrated poise under pressure...The folks here are experts in group dynamics and facilitation. They added value in every step along the way and helped us develop a far superior approach.”
Kevin J Hoffman, MAJ, IN
Deputy HRO/Deputy J1